Category: 2010

American Dictatorship: The Coming Event That Will Change Everything-Part 3

American Dictatorship: The Coming Event That Will Change Everything-Part 3The idea that nothing is seriously wrong in America and the world is a false one.  The United States is facing the greatest crisis in its history and for the most part the Church is completely asleep.  As the Old Testament warns, watchmen who fail to warn the people of an enemy coming will severely be judged by God.  In contrast, watchmen who warn the people of impending danger will not be accountable for the blood of the people.  The people were warned, but they chose not to listen.

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The Plan to Rule the World

Many times people ask me about the sources of my information because they want to know if they are reliable.  In the process of doing research for my books, MP3’s, video, DVD’s and conferences, I always go to original source documents such as an exact quote or a published scientific report, or a published report from an organization like the CFR or UN itself. In the Internet age you would be surprised how many original sources you can reference.  Also, I usually verify my research by going to multiple sources.

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American Dictatorship: The Coming Event That Will Change Everything-Part 2 

The Coming Event That Will Change Everything-Part 2 In 1994 the Northridge Earthquake measured 6.7 on the Richter Scale at 4:31AM.  Caltech reported the earthquake at 7.0.  At the time I was living under one of the dual epicenters of the earthquake.

Unexpectedly and without any notice, the Northridge earthquake changed everything.  Our house was at the end of the street with a large driveway.  All of our neighbors gathered together in the cold, wrapped in blankets.  It was pitch black and there were no lights anywhere.

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American Dictatorship: The Coming Event That Will Change Everything-Part 1

The Coming Event That Will Change Everything-Part 1I have been seeking the Lord for a long time, asking Him to give me wisdom for you, your family and God’s people in the coming days ahead.  The Lord has deeply impressed upon my heart to communicate with you this information in order to prepare you and equip you for what is about to happen before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”  This vital intelligence information is to equip you to go on the offense, fulfill the Great Commission and occupy until He comes.

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Confronting the Luciferian Pyramid-Part 2

The Bible teaches us that one of the most important spiritual principles we can practice is having a heart of thanksgiving to God.  In America we just celebrated Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has been turned into “Turkey Day. ” Yet, the reality is that America was founded by Bible-believing Christians such as the Pilgrims and Puritans who celebrated God’s goodness by holding a holy celebration called Thanksgiving.

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America’s Three Futures-Part 5: The Coming American Dictatorship and the Solution

America's Three Futures-Part 5America’s Three Futures-Part 5: The Coming American Dictatorship and the Solution
Prospering Financially When the System is in Chaos-Part 10

I recently gave a spiritual and prophetic message to Tea Party leaders in Orange County the night before the election. I told them, “You are more powerful than you realize!” But I warned them that they are being infiltrated, used and manipulated by both the Democrats and the Republicans, along with the media. I reminded them that both political parties and the media are controlled by an invisible government that will do anything to create a World Communist Dictatorship. Ultimately, I told them, their strength is in the power of God and that we need to ignite the fires of revival and a Great Awakening in order to save the U.S. and other nations in the world.

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Confronting the Luciferian Pyramid

Confronting the Luciferian PyramidEveryone who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit can sense oppression over this nation and the nations of the earth.  This oppression is not fear or paranoia.  It is a supernatural burden being placed on the people of God to begin crying out to the Lord.  The Lord is calling us to repent and come boldly to the throne of grace and engage in High Level Spiritual Warfare like the prophet Daniel did when he battled the territorial spirit over the Middle East called the Prince of Persia or the Prince of Iran.

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