High Level Spiritual Warfare-Part 3: Changing Your World

High Level Spiritual Warfare-Part 3: Changing Your WorldIn this prophetic update we are going to give you a reality check.  But I want to also emphasize that God has “called you for such a time as this.”  He has given you powerful spiritual weapons that you can use to drive back the powers of darkness in your community, nationally and globally.  Unfortunately, many churches are not teaching their people the truth about what is going on and how to engage in high level spiritual warfare that will drive the demonic powers out of your life and nation.

The Lord has placed a deep burden on my heart to inform you of the truth and how what is going on fits into Bible prophecy.  The Lord has also called me to begin teaching His people about how to engage in high level spiritual warfare with overwhelming force.  Before we begin, I want to stress the truth that the power of God is greater than anything that is going on and that you are His child! 

Starting with the Beth Ariel meeting on March 17th at 7:00PM at 22222 Saticoy in Canoga Park, I am going to start teaching on how to engage in high level spiritual warfare.  I believe this teaching will set you free and you will begin to see the power of God move in your life, nation and world at levels you have never experienced before.

It is possible to cry out to God and see Him supernaturally provide, protect, guide and deliver you!  You can be delivered from fear and oppression and see the power of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit move supernaturally in your life.  God can protect your home, provide finances, food, employment and help you on a supernatural level.  You need to come to these meetings and you need to bring your friends.  God does answer prayer and the power of God will move in these meetings.

But the Bible teaches us that we are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices.  Yet so many of God’s people have no clue as to what is going on.  They just sit in the sandbox and play church.

One of the primary strategies of the evil one and this present world system is to try to make you feel insignificant and powerless.  It is a “slave mentality” that the Hebrews had when they were slaves for Pharaoh in Egypt.  When God sent the deliverer Moses, the ancient Hebrews actually rebelled against being delivered and wanted to remain slaves.  Why?  They had a slave mentality.  Do you have a slave mentality?  God wants to renew your mind with His Word.

Pharaoh is a type of the Antichrist and Egypt is the world system.  God wants to deliver you from this present world system and take you to a New Heaven and a New Earth.  But many believers today identify more with the world system than they do with the Kingdom of God.  The reality is that we are slaves in this present world system.  With some exceptions we are not free.  We are slaves on a plantation called the new world order.  For now our chains are primarily economic.  International bankers who operate from the occult principles of the Illuminati have made us and our nation slaves through debt.  They very cleverly manipulate world economies, generating inflation and depression.  Yet if we engage in spiritual warfare we can defeat the adversary and be victorious.

It is no accident that the occult principles that International bankers use have come from the Illuminati.  The Illuminati have passed on ancient occult powers from Babylon and Egypt.  That is why on the back of the U.S. dollar you see a picture of an Egyptian pyramid.  The pyramid is part of the ancient Babylonian occult religions started by Nimrod and his mother.  The base of the pyramid represents the masses and slaves of a new world order.  Above the large base of the pyramid is what is called the all-seeing eye of Lucifer.  The elite who have received an illumination (or knowledge) from Lucifer represent the tiny pyramid at the top.  The concept is simple; we are slaves in Lucifer’s new world order.  In fact, the words “new order of the ages” or “new world order,” is written below the pyramid. God sent the ancient Jews a deliverer named Moses whom He gave supernatural power to.  Jesus Christ is our Savior/Deliverer from this world system that is about to enter the Tribulation Period.

The plan of the elite is to devalue the dollar and make China the nation to follow.  Billionaire George Soros states this quite openly. Soros has plainly said in public that the globalists are going to “gradually” destroy the value of the dollar. Their purpose is to create a world currency using what are called Special Drawing Rights (SDR’s).  The purpose of this is to transfer the wealth of the American Middle Class and the Middle Class of other nations to Third World Nations.  In addition to what Soros referred to as a new world order, there will be a new world currency and China will now drive the engine of this global economy with a weakened U.K. and America in the back.

As I stated in my book “The Day The Dollar Died,” this world economic crisis is being engineered to bring America down and bring in global government.  The global elite are counting on the fact that you are so “dumbed” down and brainwashed that you will welcome the new world order.  Pastors of some very large churches are encouraging their people to do just that and as the Bible says, “they (the people) love it so.”

The Food Riots that are breaking out in the U.K. are coming to the U.S. and I suggest you have an average of 6 months food and water.  The hostile actions of the oppressive Gaddafi regime and other Middle East dictators are creating a very unstable Middle East.  The oppressive and dictatorial regimes in the Middle Eastern nations near Israel are going to force the price of oil to go up.  When oil goes up, then food and other items will go up in price.  The bankers are waiting for people to begin to default on their mortgages so they can steal their equity and homes.  The goal of the banks is to take the homes from the people; the banks will own them and then they will rent them.

This is why Time Magazine recently ran a cover story entitled, “Rethinking Home Ownership” and the inside headline read, “The Case Against Home Ownership.”  This is the Corporate-controlled media brainwashing you to believe that it is better to rent than to own.  They are setting you up to be happy when the banks seize your home!  In addition, in Communist revolutionary theory, it is important to break up the family unit and destroy home ownership.  Both of these actions have a powerful psychological impact on people and transition them more easily into the Chinese style of Communist thinking – where the individual has no importance, only the State.  This process is called “Collectivism,” which the American author Ayn Rand exposed in her best-selling novels like “Atlas Shrugged.”  Rand grew up in Russia during the Communist Revolution and witnessed the evils of Communist-style totalitarianism.

Remember when marriage and owning your own home were part of the American dream?  Destroy God, private property, patriotism, traditional morality, money and you have a new world order.  All of this is predicted throughout the Bible, starting in Genesis with the Tower of Babel, Pharaoh in Egypt, the Hebrew prophets like Ezekiel and Zechariah and Jesus Christ. The Apostle John in Revelation predicted the coming one world government, a one world economic system and some kind of biochip or microchip implant where you cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast – 666.

However, Jesus Christ promised His followers that God would deliver them from the wrath to come.  Christ will return to Rapture His Church before the literal seven-year Tribulation Period.  That does not mean that the church in America and other nations will not go through some very tough times before the Rapture.  Jesus Christ commanded His followers to “occupy until I come,” “go into all the world and preach the Gospel,” and “make disciples of all nations.”

Stop worrying about interfering with the will of God by spiritual warfare and standing up for righteousness.  God is the Sovereign King and no one can alter His prophetic time table.  One of the primary purposes of this ministry is to “occupy until He comes” and “preach the Gospel.”  The Lord has been dealing with me and I believe that God is calling His church to engage in high level spiritual warfare with overwhelming force against the power of darkness.  But God’s people have not been taught how to do this and we have been called to equip them and train them.
If we cry out to God with genuine repentance God will pour out a great last day’s revival upon the earth.  There will be a mighty soul harvest where millions come to Christ before His return.  We have been called to ignite people’s hearts with the fire of God so that a Third Great Awakening can be birthed and God will shake the nations.  This is not to be confused with a counterfeit revival where false unity and false teachings are embraced.  That is the great apostasy.

When you learn how to pray with the intensity of the fathers of the First Great Awakening, like Jonathan Edwards, the fire of God will sweep across our nation and the world.  You will not have to beg God to meet your needs, because you will discover that when you are obedient God will meet all your needs!  Join us at Paul McGuire Ministries as we move forward in spiritual warfare and organize for a last day’s soul harvest!

 Paul McGuire

  • By Rev. Ed casey, March 15, 2011 @ 6:56 am

    Much more teaching needed! God has called me to “band together” warriors nation wide who are guided by His Spirit to SAVE our nation from ruin by Islam! See the letter I sent you few days ago titled A CAUSE GREATER THAN OURSELVES! Blessings pastor ED

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