McGuire Report: The False Prophet & Money

Paul McGuire gives the latest information on the American and global financial collapse and how this will be used by the False Prophet to create a world currency, world government and microchip implant. America is about to collapse economically and become something out of “Road Warrior” and Mad Max.”

God’s people have been given the divine opportunity of standing in the gap and preserving our nation’s freedom and economic system. Bible prophecy is going to be fulfilled, but God will supernaturally protect His people around the world if they seek His face and stop listening to false prophets. One of the primary reasons for the coming economic collapse and martial law is the apostasy of the Church, especially in America. But, there is the blessed hope for God’s people if they will truly turn to Him in this hour. If they do not, what is coming will be worse than the Great Depression and Nazi, Germany combined. Oh, that the church, especially the American Church would repent from being the Laodecian Church and allow the eye salve of the Holy Spirit to restore its spiritual vision. This is not about Republican vs. Democrat of this President of that President. “For we do not fight against flesh and blood…” Order this MP3 Download now!

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